Villa Gesell nascent but are kept in the city of Zapala, Neuqun, allrealizel Garden of infants, primary and secondary, in short, all his life. EstudiDiseo graphics, but the math could with l. Social EstudiComunicacin, but it went on the radio or making drawings. One day, without realizing it, moved by an inexplicable energy is encontrdentro School of Fine Arts. Currently ranges between 2 and 3 year career of Visual Arts Faculty at the College of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano, Neuqun. He was coordinator of the book Illustrators and Painters of Neuqun, project carried out by the Province of Neuqun Bank Foundation; know the work of excellent artists and painters did think seriously about whether giving the drawings, not hac to evil to mankind. Is the press officer of the Symphony Orchestra of Neuqun, but boasts of playing better than anyone, timbre, and out cracking. Realizdos pooled sample and twin. Inslito In fact, quedseleccionado at 4 Hall of Visual Arts in the city of Cipolletti -2008 -.